LjBJ Bookcase

Luci, with her husband Doug
and mother, Eunice (Hegg) Baker.
Eunice is 100% Norwegian-American.
an Annotated Bibliography

I have several hundred [physical] books within my personal library. I started collecting these at the beginning of the 21st century. I located a library database which allows me to scan (or manually type in) the particulars of each book and load them to various ‘book shelves’. One of the over ‘75 virtual bookshelves’ is titled Norwegian / Norwegian-American. This annotated bibliography contains most of the books that can be found – in my personal library, on that shelf.

In an effort to make it user-friendly and accessible, I’ve listed the following for each of the books / publications:
¨ Author (last name first) and supporting authors.
¨ Date of publication (my copy).
¨ Name of the book • In italic, bolded and a hyperlink to the item in WorldCat.org
¨ City where the book was published, followed by the name of the publishing company
             Abstract – a brief description of what you will find in the book
          [  ] Subject of the book (not always provided)

I should also note, that I've broken down the list into subject categories in an effort to make it more user-friendly when looking for a 'kind of book'. Here are the categories, in order:

§   General (list of books that have not been sub-divided into specific categories)
§   A Special section of books authored by Odd S. Lovoll, and a bio for Mr. Lovoll.
§   Biographies
§   Bygdeboker
§   Children’s & Fairy Tales
§   Christianity
§   Cook Books
§   Decorative Arts
§   Fiction
§   Genealogy & Dictionary
§   Memoir
§   Såmi  (aka Saami)
§   Travel
§   War Time
§   U.W. State Specific: Dakotas, Minnesota, New York, Washington, and Wisconsin
§   Other (not located in Wordcat.org)
§   Books published by the Norwegian American Historical Association

Any errors or misspellings are mine. If you find one, kindly send me an email and I’ll make the correction. This list was completed on February 14, 2018, and as soon as it is published, it will be out of date. 
Luci J Baker Johnson
Historian in Seattle, WA

Andersen, Arlow William. 1975. The Norwegian-Americans.  New York : Twayne Publishers • Abstract:  Describes the assimilation of Norwegian immigrants in America over a period of one hundred and fifty years and their participation in various political, social, and cultural transformations.
Bjork, Kenneth. 1947. Saga in Steel and Concrete : Norwegian engineers in America. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).
Bugge, Gunnar. 1969. Stav Og Laft: I Norge : early wooden architecture in Norway. Oslo : Byggekunst - Norske Arkitekters Landsforbund.   [Architecture]
Clausen, Clarence Arthur (translator). 1982. A Chronicler of Immigrant Life Svein Nilsson's Articles in Billed Magazine 1868-1870. Northfield, MN : The Norwegian American Historical  Association (NAHA)
Dahl, Borghild Margarethe. 1935. Glimpses of Norway, Sioux Falls, SD.   [Social life and customs]
Dregni, Eric Dregni. 2008. In Cod We Trust: Living the Norwegian Dream. Minneapolis, MN : University Of Minnesota Press.    Abstract: A vivid portrayal of modern Norway through the eyes of a fourth-generation Norwegian American from Minnesota.  [Social life and customs]
Dregni, Eric Dregni. 2011. Vikings in the Attic: In Search of Nordic America.  Minneapolis, MN : University Of Minnesota Press.    Abstract: Delves beneath the surface of Nordic America to unearth tales and traditions.

Fay, Howard La. 1972. The Vikings. (Washington) National Geographic Society.    Abstract: A recounting "of the Northmen as determined by archeologists" and a study of the world of the Norse gods and the Viking leaders: Exic Bloodax, Leif the Lucky, Olef the Stour, and Harold Handraada.

Ferguson, Robert. 2009. The Vikings: A History.  New York : Viking [Adult]    Abstract: Presents a history of the Nordic warriors and explorers who plundered and traded their way across Europe, and discusses how their conquests helped spread and enhance accomplishments in the arts, culture, and government.

Fiske, Arland O. 1990. The Best of the Norwegian Heritage.  Minto, ND : North American Heritage Press.
Freuchen, Peter. 1957. Vagrant Viking My Life and Adventures. London : Pan Books.   
Abstract: The story of Peter Freuchen, explorer, actor, farmer, lecturer and journalist, whose heart lay in Greenland with his beloved Eskimos.

Gesme, Ann Urness. 1993. Between Rocks and Hard Places. Cedar Rapids, IA : Gesme Enterprises.    Abstract: Traditions, customs and conditions in Norway during the 1800's; emigration from Norway; the immigrant community in America.

Hansen, Carl Gustav Otto. 1944. History of Sons of Norway: An American fraternal organization of men and women of Norwegian birth or extraction. Minneapolis, MN : Sons of Norway Supreme Lodge.  [History Sons of Norway]
Hanson, Katherine. 1995. An Everyday Story: Norwegian Women's Fiction. Seattle, WA : Women in Translation.  [Short stories, Norwegian]
Haugen, Einar Ingvald. 1975. The Norwegians in America, 1825-1975. Oslo, Norway : Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Information Service in the U.S., 1976.
Hought, Anna Guttormsen. 1986. Anna Norse Roots in Homestead Soil. Seattle, WA : Welcome Press.  [Women, Montana, Pioneers]
Hunt, Linda Lawrence. 2005. Bold Spirit: Helga Estby's Forgotten Walk Across Victorian America.  New York : Anchor Books.    Abstract: In 1896, a Norwegian immigrant and mother of eight children named Helga Estby was behind on taxes and the mortgage when she learned that a mysterious sponsor would pay $10,000 to a woman who walked across America. Hoping to win the wager and save her family's farm, Helga and her teenaged daughter Clara, armed with little more than a compass, red-pepper spray, a revolver, and Clara's curling iron, set out on foot from Eastern Washington. Their route would pass through 14 states, but they were not allowed to carry more than five dollars each. As they visited Indian reservations, Western boomtowns, remote ranches and local civic leaders, they confronted snowstorms, hunger, thieves and mountain lions with equal aplomb. Their treacherous and inspirational journey to New York challenged contemporary notions of femininity and captured the public imagination. But their trip had such devastating consequences that the Estby women's achievement was blanketed in silence until, nearly a century later, Linda Lawrence Hunt encountered their extraordinary story. 

Lagerquist, L. DeAne. 1986. From Our Mothers' Arms: A Hist. of Women in the American Lutheran Church. Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Publishing House.
Larson, Agnes M. 1969. John A. Johnson An Uncommon American.  Northfield, MN Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).
Lee, Art. 2000. Real Scandinavians Never Ask Directions: Scandinavian America, wit & wisdom  Cambridge, MN Adventure Publications. •  Abstract: Art Lee's fourth book on Scandinavian-American culture is filled with witty observations. From short stories to jokes, Lee entertains and humors all who love to read and laugh about the ways of those quiet, conservative lefse-lovers.
Lewis, Anne Gillespie. 1999. The American Swedish Institute--Turnblad's Castle. American Swedish Institute. • Abstract  "Turnbald was one of hundreds of thousands of Swedish immigrants to the United States in the late 19th century. He was a hard worker and amassed a considerable fortune with his innovative newspaper. At the height of his career, this solid, business-minded Swede built a 33-room house that residents of Minneapolis soon dubbed "the castle." The exterior is a felicitous fairytale mixture of turrets, gargoyles and monumental pillars. The interior is richly decorated with intricate woodcarvings, delicate plasterwork and rooms that bear echoes of other times and legends."

Odd Sverre Lovoll is an actor in the story of emigration and immigration he has studied so deeply. A native of Sunnmøre, Norway, he brought his family permanently to the United States in 1967.

After taking examinations at both the Universities of Bergen and Oslo, in 1969 Odd Lovoll received the M.A. degree from the University of North Dakota, where he also taught from 1967 to 1970. In 1970 he began teaching at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and in 1973 he completed the Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota with a specialization in immigration history. His doctoral dissertation was later published by the Norwegian-American Historical Association as A Folk Epic: The Bygdelag in America.

During his thirty years of service at St. Olaf College, Odd Lovoll served the institution in several capacities. A member of both the Norwegian and history departments, he was for a number of years chairperson of the Norwegian department. Throughout these busy years, he was tireless in his work on behalf of the Norwegian-American Historical Association. Appointed as editor of the organization in 1980, Lovoll assisted in the creation of a new relationship between the association and St. Olaf College when the editorship was linked to a professorship in the college's history department by the terms establishing the endowment of the King Olav V Chair in Scandinavian-American Studies. In 1992 Odd Lovoll became the first occupant of the King Olav V Chair and held this appointment until his retirement in December of 2000.

In his capacity as editor of the Norwegian-American Historical Association, Lovoll edited and supervised the production of thirty-three books. Lovoll's activity as an author and editor has not, however, been confined to the work of the association. His many books and articles, listed in the bibliography included in the pressed volume, are further evidence of interest and competence in a broad array of fields.

Odd Lovoll's work as a scholar has attained wide notice. He was decorated with the Knight's Cross First Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit in 1986 by King Olav V and in 1989 he was inducted into membership in the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Among the many honors that have come to him in the United States are awards from the state historical societies of both Illinois and Wisconsin.

Lovoll, Odd S. and Carl H. Chrislock 1977. Cultural Pluralism Versus Assimilation: the Views of Waldemar Ager. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA). 
Lovoll, Odd Sverre. 1975. The Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1925-1975. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).
Lovoll, Odd Sverre. 1984. The Promise of America: a history of the Norwegian-American people.  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, published in cooperation with NAHA.    Abstract:   In The Promise of America, historian Odd S. Lovoll tells the story of the thousands of Norwegian immigrants who gambled on a fresh start in the United States. Now, Lovoll has carefully revised this successful book to reflect new understandings of the
             Norwegian-American past, updating this story to today. Changes for this ediition include additional photographs, expanded treatment of the causes of migration, extensive details about the urban Norwegian-American experience, new information about immigrant fiction and reading societies, enriched discussions of Norwegians in the Civil War and the Socialist movement, and more.
Lovoll, Odd Sverre. 1998. The Promise Fulfilled: A Portrait of Norwegian Americans Today. Minneapolis, MN : University of Minnesota Press for the Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).  Abstract:  On October 9, 1825, the sloop Restauration sailed into New York harbor with the first fifty-three Norwegian immigrants to America. During the next hundred years, over 800,000 people would leave Norway to become members of a proud new community in the United States. Today, the Norwegian-American population numbers nearly 4 million—almost as many people as live in Norway.
             The Promise Fulfilled is an enlightening presentation of Norwegian-American history, continuing the story begun in the best-selling Promise of America. Prominent historian Odd S. Lovoll details where Norwegian Americans live, what kinds of jobs they hold, how their ethnic heritage is passed on, and to what extent their dreams and expectations of life in the United States have been achieved.
             Lovoll researched historical documents, conducted an extensive survey with a detailed questionnaire, and performed hundreds of follow-up interviews. He talked with prominent Norwegian Americans, like Walter Mondale, and everyday people—factory workers, farmers, at-home mothers, small business owners, and teenagers. The Promise Fulfilled is unique in its consideration of the social history of all seven generations of Norwegian Americans.
Lovoll, Odd Sverre. 2006. Norwegians on the Prairie: Ethnicity and the Development of the Country Town. St. Paul, MN :     Abstract:  The history of America, many historians argue, is the history of its small towns. Noted Norwegian American scholar Odd S. Lovoll takes the premise one step further in Norwegians on the Prairie, tracing the development of three midwestern towns whose histories reveal a distinctly ethnic flavor.

               Benson, Madison, and Starbuck, all located on the western Minnesota prairie, were settled primarily by Norwegians and served as urban centers -- railroad hubs, destinations for trade, gathering places -- for the farming communities that surround them. Lovoll delves into the small-town and rural experience of these Norwegian immigrants and their descendants, revealing that, like many Norwegian Americans, they resisted the pull of the city, instead developing ethnic enclaves while simultaneously taking active roles in the larger town community. Their larger numbers affected local businesses, politics, education, social events, and religious practices. Whether dominating the landscape with their Lutheran churches or bringing together other ethnic groups to celebrate Syttende mai, Norwegians in western Minnesota left indelible marks on their communities.

              This pioneering study -- the first to consider country towns through the lens of ethnicity -- benefits from meticulous research into census data, careful reading of local newspapers, and extensive interviews with the descendants of Norwegian immigrants, revealing strong ties to homeland that are visible today in each town's social, political, and religious character.

Lovoll, Odd Sverre. 2010. Norwegian Newspapers in America: Connecting Norway and the New Land. St. Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society Press.    Abstract:  Pioneer years -- Building a Norwegian American community -- A flourishing Midwestern press -- The rise of a national Norwegian American press -- Community and public affairs -- The golden age of Norwegian America -- A changing final role.

Manne, Gerd 2000. Bo i Norge Tekstbok. Oslo, Norway : Fag og Kultur.
Martin, Janet Letnes. 1995. Cream Peas on Toast: Comfort Food for Norwegian-Lutheran Farm Kids (And Others). Hastings, MN : Martin House Publications (MN).    Abstract:  A collection of Norwegian-Lutheran farm and small town memories, humor, crafts, photos and well-learned lessons.

Michelet, Maren. 1914. First Year Norse. Minneapolis: MN : Free Church Book Company.
Naeseth, Gerhard B. and Blaine Hedberg. 2008. Norwegian Immigrants to the United States. Anundsen Publishing Company.
Nelson, Marion John. 1994. Material Culture and People's Art Among the Norwegians in America. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).  [Material Culture]
Nelson, Marion John. 2000. Painting by Minnesotans of Norwegian Background: 1870-1970  (Special Publication, Norwegian-American Historical Association). Norwegian American Historical Association (NAHA).
Nichol, Todd W. 2003. Crossings: Norwegian-American Lutheranism As a Transatlantic Tradition. Northfield, MN : Norwegian American Historical Association (NAHA). •  Abstract: The essays gathered here originated in lectures presented to a conference on the history of Norwegian-American Lutheranism held in April 2000 at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The theme of this gathering was Crossings: Norwegian-American Lutheranism as a Transatlantic Tradition. This conference was one of several observances throughout the United States marking the 175th anniversary of the beginning of large-scale Norwegian immigration to the United States.
The authors write with two goals in mind. Their first purpose is to discover what might be learned by studying comparatively the histories of two similar but distinct versions of the same religious tradition, Norwegian Lutheranism and Norwegian-American Lutheranism. Their second aim is to explore the history of the exchange of influences between the Church of Norway and the Norwegian-American Lutheran churches in the United States.
Each of these articles opens new perspectives on the story of Norwegian-American Lutheranism and as a whole the collection illustrates the wealth that awaits researchers who seek sources and adopt methods not traditionally used by church historians.
Nichol, Todd W. 2002.  Interpreting the Promise of America: Essays in Honor of Odd S. Lovoll. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).

Norlie, Olaf Morgan. 1925. History of the Norwegian People in America.  Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Publishing House • Abstract: Background history of Norway, immigration, organizations and people in Norwegian-America.

Pearson, Eva Mildred Mykleby. 1998. They Did Not Have Horns: The Viking Kings of Norway: From about 760 Ad to 1066 Ad, and the Royal Kings from 1066 Ad to the Present.  St. Pau;, MN : Norbakk Press.    Abstract:  Vikings from about 760 AD to 1066 AD and the royal kings from 1066 AD to the present. Includes biographical references and index.

Qualey, Carlton C. 1938. Norwegian Settlement in the United States. Northfield, MN Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).
Reiersen, Johan Reinert. 1981. Pathfinder for Norwegian Emigrants.  Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA). / Twayne.
Robinson, Robert A. 1958. Captured by the Norwegians.  Bergen, Norway : J.W. Eides Forlag.  [Pictorial]
Rolvaag, O. E., and Odd Sverre Lovoll. 1998. Concerning Our Heritage. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA)   [Ethnic Identity]
Rosendahl, Peter J. 1984. Han Ola og Han Per: A Norwegian-American Comic Strip. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget.
Rosendahl, Peter J. 1988. More Han Ola Og Han Per: A Norwegian American Comic Strip. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press.
Rossman, Douglas Dag. 2012. Way of The Elves A Nine Worlds Saga. Bloomington, MN : Skandisk.  [Norse Mythology]
Semmingsen, Ingrid. 1980. Norway to America: A History of the Migration. Minneapolis, MN : University of Minnesota Press.
Skavhaug, Kjersti. 1978. Våre vakre bunader. Oslo : Hjemmenes forlag
Solensten, John. 1985. There Lies a Fair Land: An Anthology of Norwegian-American Writing.  St. Paul, MN : New Rivers Press
Stagg, Frank Noel. 1956. East Norway and its Frontier: A History of Oslo and its Uplands. London : Allen & Unwin.
Stokker, Kathleen. 2000. Keeping Christmas: Yuletide Traditions in Norway and the New Land.   St. Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society Press. • Abstract: Includes twenty recipes for holiday foods, including nine varieties of cookies: goro, krumkaker, rosetter, berlinerkranser, sandbakkels (sandkaker), fattigmann, hartshorn cookies, and julekage.
Stokker, Kathleen. 2007. Remedies and Rituals: Folk Medicine in Norway and the New Land. St. Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society Press.
Taube, Evert and Kurt Jungstedt. 1974. Vastlig Horisont. Stockholm - Swedish.
Vanberg, Bent. 1979. Of Norwegian Ways. Dillon Press, Inc.  [Social life and customs]
Vanberg, Bent. 1984. Between You and V - Random Reflections. Minneapolis, Sons of Norway Heritage Productions   [Social life and customs]
Vanberg, Bent. 1984. Of Norwegian ways. New York: Harper & Row.  [Social life and customs]
Viers, Kristina; Scotty Sapiro and Nancy Hausauer. 1982. Nordic Heritage Northwest.  Seattle: WA : Writing Works.  [Pacific Northwest Scandinavian Americans]
Wildenvey, Herman and Arnold Thornam. 1962 Fødselsdagboken   Oslo, Damm, and Son.
Ylvisaker, Erling. 1962. Eminent pioneers: Norwegian-American pioneer sketches (Essay index reprint series). Freeport, NY, Books for Libraries Press.
Zempel, Solveig. 1990. In Their Own Words: Letters from Norwegian Immigrants. University of Minnesota Press.    Abstract: Through translations of letters written to family and friends between 1870 and 1945, this book traces the stories of nine Norwegian immigrants to the USA. Of widely differing backgrounds, their individual experiences are presented, reflecting each writer's subjective view of historical events. Letters translated, edited: schoolteacher, a single woman in Illinois, urban Norwegian in the Red River Valley, an unhappy immigrant returns to Norway, a family to Wisconsin, politics and gold mining on the west coast, a Chicago mother, a Brooklyn builder.

Bache, Søren; Clarence Arthur Clausen, Andreas Elviken. 2001. A Chronicle of Old Muskego: The Diary of Soren Bache, 1839-1847. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).   [History and Diaries]
Blegen, Theodore C. (editor) 1947. Frontier Parsonage: The Letters of Olaus Fredrik Duus Norwegian Pastor in Wisconsin 1855-1858.  Northfield, MN : The Norwegian American Historical Association (NAHA).
Eide, Harald. 1987. The Alaska Adventures of a Norwegian Cheechako, a greenhorn with a gold pan.  Anchorage, AK : Alaska Northwest Publisning Co..
Ekstrand, Florence. 2002. How to Get from 80 to 90 Without Even Trying. Mount Vernon, WA Welcome PR. [Biography]
Gourley, Deb Nelson. 2004. Astri, My Astri: Norwegian Heritage Stories. Astri My Astri Publishing.
Hansen, Captain Sig, and Mark Sundeen. 2010. North by Northwestern: A Seafaring Family on Deadly Alaskan Waters. New York :  Thomas Dunne Books.  Abstract: The star of the Discovery Channel's "Deadliest Catch" relates the rags-to-riches story of his immigrant family's struggle against deadly Alaskan seas, freezing shipwrecks, and dangerously brutal conditions to achieve the American dream.

Hegg, Horace B. 2002. Brinyild's Journey: An Iowa Norwegian-American Remembers. Iowa City, IA Penfield Books.  [Biography • Social live and customs)
Jensen, Margaret T. 1982. First We Have Coffee. Eugene, OR : Harvest House Publishing
Leiren, Terje I. 1987. Marcus Thrane: A Norwegian Radical in America. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA). • Abstract: The Marcus Thrane (1817-1890) was a prophet of social democracy in Norway. For his activities as a labor leader and agitator, he was sentenced to four years in prison. After his release, Thrane took his causes to America and quickly emerged as a critic of the government, the economic order, social structures, and what he perceived to be the narrowness of Norwegian-American life. As a writer, speaker, and editor, he showed himself a keen observer and critic of both the larger American society and the smaller ethnic community to which he belonged.
Among a number of more and less successful ventures in the United States, Thrane wrote and produced a number of plays for Norwegian-speaking audiences. The plays are of modest literary quality, but as entertainment and dramatically presented argument they tell us much about the author and his audiences. They continue to invite reading and may yet evoke a smile, agreement, or an argument from contemporary readers.
Lewis, Anne Gillespie. 2001. So Far Away in the World: Stories from the Swedish Twin Cities. Minneapolis, MN : Nodin Press.
Osland, Birger. 1945. A long pull from Stavanger : the reminiscences of a Norwegian immigrant. Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).
Thorson, Gerald. 1975. Ole Rolvaag : Artist and Cultural Leader. Northfield, MN : St Olaf College Press. •  Abstract: The celebration of the Centennial of St. Olaf College in 1974 included The Rølvaag Symposium, which brought some of the best known Rølvaag scholars to the campus to discuss the noted author and his works for two days in October.
Winsley, Shirley Miller. 1999. Dorthea's journey. [Tacoma, WA] S. M. Winsley.  [Norwegian Americans: Sorensen and Sunde family]    Abstract: Karen Dorthea Olsdatter was born in Sandsvaer, Norway in 1804. She married a widower with four children, Soren Johnsen, in 1825. They had fifteen children and lived on a farm by the name of Kongsgaarden. Soren died in 1855. Dorthea and several of her children, stepchildren and their spouses and children emigrated in 1856. They settled in Norway, Waseca, Minnesota, later known as New Richland. Descendants and relatives lived throughout Minnesota.
Young, Carrie. 1992. The Wedding Dress: Stories from the Dakota Plains. Iowa City, IA : University Of Iowa Press.  [Frontier and pioneer life]

Fladby, Rolf. 1952. Bygdehistorien 1700-1800. With illustrations.  Oslo, Norway
Fladby, Rolf. 1955. Liers historie.  Drammen, Norway : [bygdebok].
Hexeberg, Thor, and Birger Kirkeby. 1958. Nes på Romerike. Gardshistorie ... Redigeret av Thor Hexeberg.   Oslo, Norway  [bygdebok]
Tandstad, Ola. 1962. Sykklven I Eldre Tid.   [bygdebok]

Andersen, Hans Christian, Patricia L. Conroy, and Sven Hakon Rossel. 2000. Tales and Stories   Seattle, WA : University of Washington Press. •  Abstract: Stories that have delighted children and fascinated adults for over a century are the heritage of Hans Christian Andersen. Suitable for both students and general readers alike, this title displays the full range of Andersen's authorship, from parable to science fiction. It contains the drawings of Vilhelm Pedersen and Lorenz Frolich.
Dasent, George Webbe; Jorgen Engebretsen Moe; and Peter Christen Asbjornsen. 2001. East O' the Sun and West O' the Moon & Other Norwegian Fairy Tales from the collection of Peter Christen Asbjornsen and Jorgen Moe.  New York : Dover Publications.   [Fairy tales – Norway]
Mills, Lauren A. 1993. Tatterhood and the Hobgoblins: A Norwegian Folktale. Little Brown & Co.    Abstract: A retelling of a Norwegian folktale follows Tatterhood, the wild and strange twin sister of sweet and perfect princess Isabella, as she attempts to break a spell placed on her sibling. [Folklore]
Myklebust, Morten and Turid Bull Dalby. 1997. Olaf Viking & Saint. Norwegian Council for Cultural Affairs.    Abstract : Tells, in comic book fashion, the story of Olaf Haraldsson (S. Olaf).
Shepard, Aaron. 1997. Master Maid: A Tale of Norway. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers    Abstract: A stubborn young prince goes to work for an evil troll where he falls in love with a captive maiden.  [Folklore]
Smith, A. G. 2013. Story of the Vikings Coloring Book. Mineola, NY : Dover Publications.
Wargin, Kathy-jo. 2003. V is for Viking: A Minnesota Alphabet Edition 1. Chelsea, MI : Sleeping Bear Press.  Abstract: From its primeval Itasca State Park to the sophistication of its Twin Cities, the state of Minnesota is a study of contrasts and long-held traditions. Birthplace to many famous personalities and inventions, including Garrison Keillor and the Bundt Pan, V Is for Viking presents the state whose name means sky-tinted waters.

Dahle, John, and B.D. M. Casper Johnshoy. 1922. The Liturgical Service of the Lutheran Church. Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Publishing House.
House, Augsburg Publishing. 1922. Young People's Luther League. Publisher.
Koren, Ulrik Vilhelm. 1981. Why is there no church unity among Norwegian Lutherans in America? ;: Answer to Mr. Ulvestad and to many others.  Mankato, MN : Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary.
Preus, Herman Amberg and Todd W. Nichol. 1990. Vivacious daughter: Seven lectures on the religious situation among Norwegians in America.  Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).  [Norwegian Lutheran church]
Valebrokk, Eva, Thomas Thiis-Evensen, and K. Evensen. 1995. Norway's Stave Churches: architecture, history, and legends. J W Cappelens Forlag AS, Norway.

Anderson, Christine M.; Theresa Appelø Bakker; and Noel Wannebo Bruzzichesi  1997. Christmas time and Juletid: Traditions from the United States and Norway with songs, food, decorations, and stories for the season. Seattle, WA : Leikarringen of Leif Erikson Lodge No. 1.
Ballard's First Scandinavian Cookbook. Ballard First Lutheran Church, 1993.
Favish, Melody 2008. Swedish Cakes and Cookies. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.  Abstract: “Swedish cakes and cookies' is a modern classic. First published in 1945, it has sold over 3.4 million copies in Sweden. Over the years, it has been modernized and improved. Today's full-color edition, with beautiful photographs throughout, contains nearly 300 recipes for cookies, sweet breads, butter cakes, tortes, and other Swedish dessert delights".
Munsen, Sylvia. 1982. Cooking the Norwegian way. Minneapolis, MN : Lerner Publications Co.  [Juvenile non-fiction] • Abstract: Norwegian cooking has been shaped by its climate, many natural resources, and landscape, with long coastline surrounding over two-thirds of the country and hundreds of fjords jutting inland. Fish is an important staple of the Norwegian diet. Although Norway is a modern, technologically advanced country, its people, holidays, and dishes are deeply rooted in the past and reflect the cycles of nature.
Ojakangas, Beatrice A. 1999. The Great Scandinavian Baking Book. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Scott, Astrid Karlsen. 2001. Ekte Norsk Jul, Vol. 2. Olympia, WA : Nordic Adventures.
Scott, Astrid Karlsen. 2002. Ekte Norsk Jul, Vol. 1. Nordic Adventures.
Xan, Erna Oleson, Sigrid Marstrander, Erna Oleson, and John Zug. 1990. Time-Honored Norwegian Recipes Adapted to the American Kitchen. Decorah, IA : Penfield Press.

2005. New Anchor Book of Hardanger Embroidery Stitches. Newton Abbot (England): David & Charles.
Ellingsgard, Nils. 1993. Norwegian Rose Painting in America. Decorah, IA : Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum.
Høidal, Anne Kløvnes. 2001. Bunads in America: A Norwegian Cultural Tradition in Southern California. San Diego, CA : Ladies of Valhall.
Kosel, Janine. 2009. Norwegian Handknits: Heirloom Designs from Vesterheim Museum. Voyageur Press.   Abstract: Vesterheim Museum in Decorah, Iowa, is one of the premiere centers for Norwegian-American heritage in the United States. As such, it houses one of the countrys most extensive collections of the textiles and handknits that have woven ties between Norwegian communities in America and the Old World, between todays culture and a rich past. This book collects thirty patterns for handknits from Vesterheim-folk mittens, socks, scarves, hats, wristers, handbags, knapsacks, and sweaters-all inspired by traditional knits housed in the museum. With an introduction reflecting on the history of Norwegian-style knitting and the stories behind the handknits that inspired the patterns, the book is at once a practical guide, a repository of cultural history, and a lovely look at one of the rich traditions knit into the American fabric.

Oram, Gayle. 1998. Rosemaling Styles & Study. Tilamook, OR : Gayle's Art Enterprises.
Smith, A. G. 2002. Viking Designs CD-ROM and Book.  Mineola, NY : Dover Publications.
Vægter, Knud and Museet Falster Minder. 2000. How My Mother Taught Me to Weave Christmas Hearts.  [Nykøbing F] Museet Falsters Minder.

Ager, Waldemar. 1984. Sons of the Old Country. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press.
Bojer, Johan. 1991. The Emigrants.  St. Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society Press.    Abstract: Describes from the Norwegian point of view the operations of the Scandinavian pioneers who settled so much of the Middle West from Wisconsin to North Dakota; a novel about Norwegians on the plains of North Dakota, depicting the entire emigration process.
Eggleston, Edward. 1883. The Circuit Rider : A Tale of the Heroic Age. New York : Charles Scribner's Son.   [Indiana – fiction]
Gilseth, Margaret. 1987. Julia's Children: A Norwegian Immigrant Family in Minnesota 1876 1947.: St. Charles, MN : Askeladd Press.   [Norwegian-American – Goodhue Co., MN]
Hamsun, Knut. 2010. Growth of the Soil.  Mineola, NY : Dover Publications.  Abstract: A grand, sweeping saga of sacrifice and struggle, this epic tale recaptures the world of Norwegian homesteaders at the turn of the twentieth century. Isak and Inger, an idealistic young couple, reject modern society to raise their family on a back country farm. Isak's embrace of outdoor life reflects author Knut Hamsun's attitude of rugged individualism and his back-to-nature philosophy. Rich in symbolism, this moving tale of peasant life and the search for spiritual fulfillment in nature continues to resonate with modern readers. First published in Norwegian in 1917, Growth of the Soil created an international sensation and led to the author's 1920 Nobel Prize in Literature. The New Yorker noted that "the list of those who loved [Hamsun's] sly, anarchic voice is long," naming Ernest Hemingway, Hermann Hesse, and Andr Gide as fans. "I am not usually lavish with my praise," remarked H. G. Wells, "but indeed the book impresses me as among the very greatest novels I have ever read.
Larsen, Inna. 2002. Heartstrings. Superior, WI : Port Town Publishing.
McSwigan, Marie. 2005. Snow Treasure.  Brantford, Ont : Dutton Juvenile.    Abstract: In 1940, when the Nazi invasion of Norway reaches their village in the far north, twelve-year-old Peter and his friends use their sleds to transport nine million dollars worth of gold bullion past the German soldiers to the secret harbor where Peter's uncle keeps his ship ready to take the gold for safekeeping in the United States.

Mero, Edna and Howard Hong illustrated by Lee. 1943. Muskego Boy. Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Publishing House 1943.
Olsen, John A. 2008. A World Just There. New York : Vantage Press.    Middle-aged women – Fiction.
Osgood, Eunice and Phillips Endicott Osgood. 1967. To speak of many things. T. S. Denison.
Rolvaag, O.E. 1985. Boat of Longing. St. Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society Press.
Snelling, Lauraine. 1996. A Land To Call Home - Red River of The North, 3. Minneapolis, MN : Bethany House Publishers.    Abstract: "It has required long, difficult years to tame the virgin prairie of Dakota Territory, but in spite of heartache and back-breaking labor, the hardy immigrants recognize that God has been with them every step. What was once merely a dream is now beginning to take shape. And so they face the challenge of proving up their homesteads and building an official town for their growing community. Hjelmer travels west to work on the railroad, but after sending only one letter to Penny, who has agreed to wait for him, he is not heard from again. As the months pass, Penny is pursued by other eligible suitors, and her love for Hjelmer is sorely tried. Will he return to keep his promise?

Weaver, Will. 2006. Sweet Land: New and Selected Stories. St. Paul, Minn, Borealis Books.
Wist, Johannes. 2005. The Rise of Jonas Olsen: A Norwegian Immigrant's Saga. Minneapolis, University Of Minnesota Press.    Abstract: The road to riches for the hero of this sweeping historical novel ends up being rockier than he initially expects. Norwegian immigrant Jonas Olsen arrives in late nineteenth-century Minneapolis with little money and less English. He quickly learns to reinvent himself -- from laboring in sewer construction to building a profitable dry goods business, from losing everything in a banking collapse to settling the Red River Valley. While an eminently likable character, Jonas can also be ruthless in his ambition to find success in America.

The Rise of Jonas Olsen is at once an immigrant novel, business novel, political novel, and a western, offering a rich and panoramic view of Scandinavian immigrant life in the Upper Midwest. Author Johannes B. Wist combines realism and satire to depict the role Norwegian Americans played in the economic, political, and cultural life of the Upper Midwest.

Originally published serially in the Norwegian-language newspaper Decorah-Posten in the 1920s, The Rise of Jonas Olsen illustrates an immigrant's struggle to preserve his identity and heritage while striving to become fully accepted as an American.
Rolvaag, O. E. 1982. Peder Victorious: A Tale of the Pioneers Twenty Years Later. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press. •
Lijengren, Adolph. 1928. Raven Rock and Other Stories for Girls. New Britain, CN : New Eastern Weekly Publishing Company.

Berulfsen, Bjarne and Hjørdis Scavenius. 1951. McKay's Modern English-Norwegian and Norwegian-English dictionary. David McKay Company, Inc.
Christophersen, R. 1954. Norsk-Engelsk / revidert utgave ved R. Christophersen og H. Scavenius. Oslo : Gyldendal Norsk Forlag.   [Dictionary]
Gabrielsen, Egill Daae. 1994. English-Norwegian Norwegian-English Dictionary. Hippocrene Oslo : Aschehoug.   [Dictionary]
Haugen, Einar Ingvald. 1946. Spoken Norwegian. New York : London : H. Holt and Co.  [Grammar / Spoken Norwegian]
Haugen, Einar Ingwald. 1969. The Norwegian Language in America: A Study in Bilingual Behavior. Bloomington; London : Indiana University Press.
Haugen. 1940. Reading Norwegian.  NY : Appleton-Century-Crofts
Hopp, Zinken and Toni Ramholt 1960. Norwegian Folklore Simplified. BergenJohn Griegs Forlag.   [Social life and customs / Manners and customs]
Hugo. Charles. 1950. Norwegian Simplified, an easy and rapid self-instructor. New York : David McKay.
Hustvedt, Lloyd; Beulab Folkedahl; and Charlotte Jacobson. 1979. Guide to Manuscripts Collections of the Norwegian-American Historical Association. Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).
Myking, Laila. 1965. Scandinavian: Norway, Denmark, Sweden Phrase Book. London : Williams Collins.  [Conversation and phrase books]
Rossman, Douglas A. 2000. The Nine Worlds: A Dictionary of Norse Mythology. Bloomington, MN : Skandisk.  [Norse Mythology]
Series, A Sunset. 1988. Norwegian in 10 minutes a day.  Monlo Park, CA : Sunset Publications
Sipe, Karen V. 2003. Marine License Applications 1889-1910.  [compiled work by Sipe, for the National Archives at Seattle.  [Scandinavians that submitted for Marine license]
Statens Kraflverk Oslo og Akershus Oslo Kartboka 2005; Cappelens Forlag 70.
Stokker, Kathleen, and Haddal Odd. 1981. Norsk, nordmenn og Norge: Norsk Text. Madison : University of Wisconsin Press.
Thomsen, Finn A. 1988. Genealogical maps & guide to Norwegian parish register.  Bountiful, UT : Thomsen's Genealogical Center.

Dietrichson, Johannes Wilhelm Christian. (Eugene Clifford Nelson) 1973. A pioneer churchman: J. W. C. Dietrichson in Wisconsin, 1844-1850. Published for the (NAHA) by New York : Twayne Publishers.
Flanagan, John Theodore. 1977. Theodore C. Blegen, a memoir.  Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).
Kinnick, Chery. 2008. A Long Way Downstream; The Life and Family of Thibertine Johnson Winje, Norwegian-American Pioneer. Nordic Blue Press.  [Norwegian American family : Thibertine Johnson Winje 1841-1930]
Nelson, David T. 1994. The Diary of Elisabeth Koren, 1853-1855. Decorah, IA : Norwegian American Historical Association (NAHA).
Preus, Linka; Grindal, Marvin G. Slind; and Gracia Grindal 2008. Linka's Diary: A Norwegian Immigrant Story. Minneapolis, MN : Lutheran University Press.   [Preus, Linka 1829-1880]

Fjeld, Faith and Nathan Muus. 2012. The Sami Reindeer People of Alaska. Duluth, MN : Faith Fjeld and Nathan Muus    Abstract: Catalog of The Sami Reindeer People of Alaska traveling museum exhibit. Includes a brief history of the Alaska Sami, as well as illustrations, maps, and photographs of Sami people.
Jensen, Ellen Marie. 2012. We Stopped Forgetting: Stores from Sami Americans. Kárásjohka-Karasjok, Norway : CálliidLágádus  Abstract: "During the immigration period of 1880-1940 and unknown number of Sami people left Sapmi (Samiland; "Lapland") for North America alongside Nordic peoples. It has been estimated that there are at least 30,000 descendants of Sami immigrants in North America and most of them are unaware of their Indigenous ancestry. The storytellers in this book give moving accounts of the history of their ancestors and tell their own life stories of cultural revitalization. They have consciously chosen to stop forgetting their lesser known and sometimes silenced Sami ancestry by identifying with a cultural birthright. Further, their stories demonstrate a heartfelt commitment to both historical and contemporary Sapmi and the Indigenous world in their lives."
Turi, Johan. 2012. An Account of the Sami: a translation of Muitalus sámiid birra, based on the Sámi original, ČálliidLágádus/ Authors'Publisher,  • Abstract:  First published in 1910 in the Sami language, this English translation of Muitalus sámiid birra tells about the life of the Sami people herding reindeer in the Jukkasjarvi region of northern Sweden at the beginning of the 20th century, with details on Sami traditions of child rearing, hunting, healing, yoik, and folklore. 

Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum 2010. Sami  Iowa : Vesterheim  [Social life and customs]

Books recommended by Professor Troy Storfjell, Pacific Lutheran University
Hugh Beach. 2001. A Year in Lapland: Guest of the Reindeer Herders.  Seattle : University of Washington Press.
Jorunn Eikjok and Ola Røe. 2013 Sámi Images i Modern Times: Photos and Texts   Karasjok, Norway: ČálliidLágádus
Turi, Johan Olafsson. 2012. An Account of the Sámi : a translation of Muitalus sámiid birra, based on the Sámi original  Karasjok, Norway: ČálliidLágádus/Authors'Publisher,
Veli-Pekka Lehtola, 2010 The Sámi People: Traditions in Transition.  Aanaar – Inari : Puntsi  [English]

Steves, Rick. 1998. Rick Steves' Scandinavia 1998. Santa Fe, NM … John Muir Publications.
Su-Dale, Elizabeth. 1994. Culture Shock! Norway.  Portland, OR: Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company.  •  Abstract: Gives informative tips on the do's and don'ts of custom in Norway and provides interesting insights into the social and business attitudes of the Norwegian people.
Wikborg, Tone. 1991. Guide to the Vigeland Park in Oslo. Oslo, Normanns.

Ager, Waldemar. 2000. Colonel Heg and His Boys: A Norwegian Regiment in the American Civil War.  Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).
Helmersen, Hanna Aasvik. 2000. War and Innocence : A Young Girl's Life in Occupied Norway. Hara  Seattle, WA : Hara Publishing Group.    Abstract: "... Moving account based on [the author's] childhood memories of Norway during World War II.
Hollister, John J. 1977. Chickamauga and Chattanooga: On Your Own An Illustrated Guide to the Battlefields.  Battlefield Guide Publishers.
Howarth, David. 2007. We Die Alone: A WWII Epic of Escape and Endurance. Guilford, CT : Lyons Press.    Abstract: Here is one of the most exciting escape narratives to emerge from the challenges and miseries of World War II. In March 1943, a team of expatriate Norwegian commandos sailed from northern England for Nazi-occupied arctic Norway to organize and supply the Norwegian resistance. But they were betrayed, and the Nazis ambushed them. Only one man survived--Jan Baalsrud. This is the incredible and gripping story of hisescape. Frostbitten, blinded by the snow, and pursued by the Nazis, Jan dragged himself forward until he reached a small arctic village. He was near death, delirious, and a virtual cripple. But the villagers, at mortal risk to themselves, were determined to save him, an--through impossible feats--they did."
Nachtstern, Moritz. 2008. Counterfeiter: How a Norwegian Jew survived the Holocaust. Oxford; New York : Osprey Publishing.    Abstract: In 1940, the Nazis set a secret project in motion, Operation Berhard. In 1942, men with certain skills were selected from the concentration camps, even from those on their way to the gas chambers. The men were transferred to the strictly isolated Block 19 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

Torvik, Solveig. 2006. Nikolai's Fortune Seattle, University of Washington Press.  [WW II]
Rode, Leif S. 1945. Men det steg en grotid. Oslo: Grundt Tanum  [German occupation]
Scott, Astrid Karlsen, and Tore Haug. 2010.  Defiant Courage: A WWII Epic of Escape and Endurance. New York : Skyhorse Publishing.   [WW II]

[Dakota]   Malmin, O. G. 1969. Chapel in the Hills: A notable church structure in Rapid City, South Dakota.  Rapid City, SD : Lutheran Vespers.
[Dakota]  Rockswold, E. Palmer. 1988. Per: Immigrant and Pioneer.  Staples, MN : Adventure Publications.    Abstract: A historical novel "of an immigrant and Dakota pioneer...The characters, places, and events are real ones. The history is actual and authentic in the way it affects one family...The period of history is roughly from 1880-1920."

[Dakota]  Rolvaag, O.E. 1929. Giants in the Earth: A Saga of the Prairie. New York, London, Harper & Brothers.  •  Abstract: Follows the lives of Beret and her husband, Per Hansa, as they make their way from Nordland, Norway, to the Dakota prairie as pioneers.

[Minnesota]  Keillor, Garrison. 2009. Life among the Lutherans. Augsburg Fortress Publishers.    Abstract: A collection of stories about the Lutherans of the fictional town of Lake Wobegon, Minnesota, includes tales about a church directory filled with terrible pictures and twenty-four Lutheran ministers who sank in a pontoon boat.

[Minnesota]  Muller, Chad. 2002. Spring Grove: Minnesota's First Norwegian Settlement (Images of America). Arcadia  Publishing.    Abstract: "Spring Grove: Minnesota's First Norwegian Settlement is a tribute to the state's earliest Norwegian emigrants, and to generations of Norwegian Americans who have made this small farming community amongst deep valleys, fjord-like bluffs, and winding streams their true vesterheim. It is a tale told through striking historic photographs, many previously unreleased, and personal narratives, often humorous and always insightful. The area was first settled in the 1850s by pioneers like James Smith, who, inspired by the landscape, named the place Spring Grove. Smith was followed by the likes of "Big" Ole Gulbransgutton, who chased crooked land surveyors out of town with his bare fist; by the innovative Mons Fladager, whose business acumen earned him the title of "Father of Spring Grove"; and by the 20th-century cartoonist Peter J. Rosendahl, whose work gave a comical voice to the challenges of cultural assimilation. Spring Grove: Minnesota's First Norwegian Settlement also conveys the universality of the Norwegian immigrant experience, and anyone with Norwegian roots who desires to learn more about their ancestors will find it an enjoyable read."

[Minnesota]  Qualey, Carlton C., and Jon Gjerde. 2002. Norwegians in Minnesota. St. Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society Press.    Abstract: The images of the Vikings professional football team, the stereotype of the "Norwegian bachelor farmer," and even Minnesotans' speech patterns proclaim the state's Norwegian heritage. But Norwegian settlers have contributed much more to Minnesota, as authors Jon Gjerde and Carlton C. Qualey make clear. Norwegians, who first arrived in territorial days, created lasting farming settlements, especially in the Red River Valley. Their Lutheran churches continue to dot the landscape. But their experience was also urban, as they entered the trades and industries of the Twin Cities. Today, Norwegian influence helps define Minnesota's unique social, political, and business environment.

[Minnesota]  Shaw, Joseph M. 1999. Bernt Julius Muus:: Founder of St. Olaf College. Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).  Abstract: Founder of St. Olaf College and ministry centered in Goodhue County, Minnesota.

[New York] Mauk, David C. 1997. The Colony that Rose from Sea: Norwegian Maritime Migration and Community in Brooklyn, 1850-1910. Urbana, Ill : University of Illinois Press.
[North Dakota] Albers, Everett. 1998. Norwegian Homesteaders. Fessenden, ND : Grass-Roots Press.  [Frontier and pioneer life – North Dakota]
[North Dakota] Hansen, Jan Johannessen and Espen A. 2005. Norwegian Footprints. [Norway] Pompel and Pilt Publishing AB.  [North Dakota Norwegians]
[Washington]  Dahlie, Jorgen. 1981. A Social History of Scandinavian Immigration Washington State, 1895-1910.  New York : Ayer Company Publishing.
[Washington]  Leander, Kristine. 2008. Norwegian Seattle. Charleston, SC : Arcadia Publishing.
[Washington]  Mathisen, Paul R. 2001. The Early Sons of Norway Lodges in Western Washington.
[Washington]  Moen, Lynn and Nordic Heritage Museum. 2001. Voices of Ballard: Immigrant Stories from the Vanishing Generation.  Seattle, WA : The Nordic Heritage Museum.   [Ballard, WA resident biographies]
[Washington]  Pheasant-Albright, Julie D. 2007. Early Ballard (Images of America: Washington). Arcadia Publishing.    Abstract:  Incorporated in 1890, Ballard, Wash. grew quickly, thanks to shingle and lumber mills and the Scandinavian fishing fleet. When a horse was supposedly found in the city water supply in 1906, reluctant Ballardites voted to be annexed to the city of Seattle, and the flag flew at half-staff at Ballard City Hall. Home to the Nordic Heritage Museum, Chittenden Locks, and the fishing fleet, this bustling city-within-a-city still retains its unique Scandinavian flavor to this day.
[Washington]  Rasmussen, Janet E. 1993. New Land New Lives: Scandinavian Immigrants to the Pacific Northwest.  Northfield, MN : Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA).    Abstract: Tells in their own words the experiences of 45 immigrants (28 of them women) in the early years of the 20th century. Rasmussen's selections capture the textures and tones of ordinary life. They show how the cultures the immigrants had known in the Old World influenced . . . life in the Pacific Northwest. 
[Washington]  Slind,Marvin Gilbert and Fred C. Bohm. 1990. Norse To the Palouse Sagas of the Selbu.  Pullman, WA : Norlys Press.    Abstract: "Norse to the Palouse: Sagas of the Selbu Norwegians is a fascinating account of the Norwegian immigrants who settled near La Crosse, Washington. The authors trace their history to the mid-nineteenth century and earlier and place it in the context of what has been called the 'Great Migration.' Early arrivals from Norway were, for instance, instrumental in settling other communities in the area. But once the Selbu Norwegians discovered the farmland around La Crosse, they flocked to the area in large numbers. The book revisits the founding legends of the community and uncovers the real story behind this group of hearty, hard-working Norwegian pioneers. It reveals details of their daily life, discusses their faith in God, and recounts their efforts to blend into their new environment. Norse to the Palouse is an important contribution to the literature available on eastern Washington ethnic groups.
[Washington]  Stine, Thos. Ostenson. 1909. Scandinavians On the Pacific  San Francisco, CA : R&E Research Associates .
[Wisconsin]  Brondal, Jorn. 2004. Ethnic Leadership and Midwestern Politics: Scandinavian Americans and the Progressive Movement in Wisconsin, 1890-1914. Northfield, MN : Norwegian American Historical Association  •  Abstract: If historians were once preoccupied with politics, they are no more. In the past century history has embraced the whole range of human activity. In the United States, Theodore C. Blegen and his colleagues in the early work of the Norwegian-American Historical Association were, in fact, among the pioneers of a broader conception of history than was then customary. Yet historians cannot, or at least ought not, avoid politics. Aristotle was right: humans are by nature political beings and politics is naturally an essential human activity. Whatever else history must do, then, it needs always to take politics into account.
[Wisconsin]  Fapso, Richard J. 2001. Norwegians in Wisconsin (Ethnic Series).  Madison, WI : Wisconsin Historical Society Press.    Abstract: Norwegian immigration to Wisconsin began in 1838, when Ole Nattestad staked an eighty-acre claim on the Jefferson Prairie in Rock County and became the first Norwegian settler in Wisconsin. By the late nineteenth century, when Norwegian immigration largely came to a close, more than 30,000 natives of Norway had settled on Wisconsin soil." "Norwegians in Wisconsin relates the causes that impelled migrants to come to the New World, their dangerous Atlantic voyage, and the establishment of Norwegian communities in the state. The challenges of unfamiliar farm machinery, agricultural techniques, language, clothing, and foods also shaped the Norwegian experience in Wisconsin. New to this edition are the selected letters of two observers of Norwegian settlers' early lives here: Ole Munch Raeder, a Norwegian scholar who toured Wisconsin in the 1840s and whose chronicle of Norwegian life in the state appeared in newspapers in Norway; and Anders Jensen Stortroen, an immigrant farmer who corresponded with family in Norway in the late 1850s.
[Wisconsin]  Xan, Erna Oleson. 1975. Wisconsin, My Home: The Story of Thurine Oleson as Told to Her Daughter.  Madison; London: University of Wisconsin Press.   [Social life and customs] • Abstract: The Norwegian-American Historical Association is therefore pleased to publish Jørn Brøndal's study of Scandinavian-Americans in politics. His book, which originated as a dissertation submitted to the faculty of the University of Copenhagen, is noteworthy for its emphasis on the role played in American politics by cohorts of ethnic leaders. It is also an able contribution to an undeveloped field, the comparative study of Scandinavian ethnic groups in the United States. In these respects his work complements other studies, including a number published by the Association itself, that have emphasized popular involvement in Norwegian-American politics or the careers in politics of single individuals.

The following books / publications are items that I have on my ‘library shelf’, but were not located on WorldCat.org, thus no links to the items.
1998. Thanksgiving & Hope 125 years of Luther Seminary. Northfield Printing Inc.
2001. Norsk kulturarv: Veiviseren. Norsk Kulturarv.
2009. Pretty Much 100% Scandinavian - Saga 1.
Penguin. 1980. The Norse Discovery of America. Penguin.

Narvestad, Carl. 1974. Valdres Samband, 1899-1974: A history of the oldest Norwegian bygdelag in America. Valdres Samband.
Samband, Valdres. Year. Budstikken: Volume 11-15. Valdres Samband Samband.
Sehmsdorf, Henning [Editor]. 1992. Northwest Folklore Volume 10- Number 1- Fall 1991. Washington State University / University of Washington.
Society, National Geographic. 1924. National Geographic Magazine - June 1924 - Volume XLV, Number Six. National Geographic Society.

Located in Northfield, MN at St. Olaf College

Since 1926, NAHA has published a journal that presents documents, explication and viewpoints on various aspects of the Norwegian-American experience. Initially entitled Studies and Records, the series is now known as Norwegian-American Studies and is in its 35th volume. Below are a list of the volumes that I have on my ‘library shelf’.
Norwegian-American Studies Volume 35  (2000) NAHA.

These books are not currently on my ‘library shelf’ but are worth noting and including in the annotated bibliography.

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